Recent Movie Reviews
I saw Signs the other day. (Don't read anymore if you haven't seen it). My friend brought up an interesting point - why would aliens invade our planet if they are hydrophobic? Earth is 70% covered by water, idiots. Aren't our bodies all like 70% water too? Also, is it just me, or is the idea that you can hear aliens communicating by radio (or baby monitors) kind of trite by now? You'd think they would use something far more advanced than RF, or at least a higher frequency than what an old baby monitor could pick up. These are guys with the capability of building those fancy spaceships to travel all over the universe, which seem to have some sort of cloaking device as well. Ok, I'm not seriously trying to be a nerd here, just trying to point out some legitimate concerns.
Other than that, it was an enjoyable movie. More as a funny movie than anything. The most hilarious part was at the kid's birthday party when the alien walked past the alley. Those aliens remind me of my grandpa, maybe it's just their hunched posture but still. Not that I have the best posture myself. My mom has always yelled at me for not sitting straight. That, and the fact that I refuse to wear sunblock or any type of lotion. I'd rather be burnt and have peeling skin, yo, wouldn't you?
Oh, back to Signs. How come they apparently own all these fields but nobody seems to take care of them? So the brother (Joe-ah-kwin Phoenix) works at a gas station right? But honestly, I don't think I saw a single tractor or barn or any farm equipment throughout the entire movie. Or is it customary that people just wander through others' fields in that town? And you know the guy (played by M. Night Shanana himself) that hit Mel Gibson's wife? How come he still peels out of parking lots and stuff? If I were him, I'd stop driving like a madman if I had killed someone already, you know what I mean?
I saw Austin Powers 3 as well, it was funny and not at all disappointing like I might have expected. Wise move to not give Beyonce too many lines, cause I was already getting annoyed at her saying "Shazzam" all the time. Anyways, if you liked the first 2 and haven't seen this one yet, for some freak reason, go see it, I highly recommend it. Plus, Britney has a small part in it too, which is a definite positive.
Probably one of the worst movies I've seen this summer was Mr. Deeds. I like Adam Sandler and all (Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison are 2 of my all-time favorite movies, period), but this movie sucked. There were funny parts, I'll admit, but overall, it just wasn't right. He's supposed to be more obnoxious, that's what we all love about him, isn't it?
I Am Sam reminded me how easily we all fall for a cute kid. Like Michelle in Full House, the kid (twins) from Big Daddy, Haley Joel Osment in Sixth Sense, etc. Especially girls, but everyone always likes to go "awww..." when a kid says or does something especially cute. Even me, I have a feeling that if I have a daughter someday, I will end up spoiling her. But yeah, this movie was pretty worth watching, not only cause of the little girl, it was a pretty good movie overall. Though I wonder, how does the retarded community feel about Sean Penn, a non-retarded man, playing the main part? I know for me, it's annoying when a white person plays an Asian on TV or in a movie, such as Mrs. Kwan in Mad TV for example. Not that being Asian is all that comparable to mental disability (quite the opposite in fact... muahah), but still. Is that politically correct? haha that reminds me of my favorite line from There's Something about Mary:
"Yeah, I work with retards..."
"Isn't that politically incorrect?"
"I don't care I love those goofy bastards!"
The best entertainment I've had lately wasn't from a movie, though. My dad dug up an old home video of me, my sister, and two of our best friends from 1994. I knew I was really short back then, but watching that reminded me of just how little I was, how my friend was like 6 inches taller than me. That, plus I had the token huge thick glasses and moppy hair. My voice was pretty high pitched then too. Keep in mind that I was already 14 years old by that time, it's a wonder I had any friends at all, let alone mack on any ladies.
Work is getting busy now, I better rage, yo.