Well it's been a while since I wrote anything, some of you may be wondering what I've been up to. First of all, work has been especially busy lately. You can all usually assume that is the case, whenever the updates get rare.
There have been some highlights from the last few weeks though. One was getting to see Shubes and Sandy get married. This marks the first of the original ~509~ clan to get hitched by the way. Some pictures from the wedding:
Yes, our hands say "5-0-9" in the first picture. Yes, I know that makes us all very lame. There were plenty of interesting incidents from that evening, none of which will be discussed in detail here. Let's just say there was some tackling, and also a gay waiter hitting on Ryan.
Another landmark day was Olivia's med school graduation, last week. It was really nice to see her walk across that stage, after watching the girl work so hard for the last 4 years and make so many sacrifices to get there. I know for a fact that I would not have made it myself.
As part of her graduation week activities, we went to a graduation ball and also a Sox game. You can take a wild guess on which one I enjoyed more. Here's a pic from the game:
Next memorable event was the engagement of Brian and Grace. Another couple takes the plunge. Not that it matters what I think, but I thought it was really great thing to see. Congratulations guys!
Finally, I have to talk about getting to go to watch Conan O'Brien taping at the Chicago Theater. Thanks to Chras's email savvy and generous offer to bring me along, we got to cross one thing off of the "Miscellaneous To-Do List" of life. Conan is definitely one of the funniest people in the world, if you ask me, and I loved watching his show ever since high school days.
Even better was that his guest for that show was Dave Chappelle. So you had maybe the 2 funniest people in the world on the same stage, and me and Chras were there to see them. Very cool, I will remember the experience for years to come.
I took a few pictures there, see below (note: the ones inside are bad quality because my phone camera sucks in the dark, and also because the ushers were yelling at people with cameras, so I had to do it surreptitiously. This led to the blurriness to go along with grainy. In the last one you can kind of make out Conan shaking hands with Chappelle on stage, so it's all good.):
There were some other highlights, but I don't have time to write about them right now. Gotta get to bed. Later folks.