Update: Dudo Dominators 91, Dudalisks 83
Down 8 going into Monday night's game, my last chance at snapping the streak is DERRICK BROOKS... Please don't let me down Derrick. I feel like Princess Leia: "Help me Derrick Brooks, you're my only hope!"
Which reminds me, George Lucas really screwed up by making his 3 prequels released so far apart. The first one came out when I was a freshman in college. The second one, after I graduated college. By the time the third finally comes out, I'll be 25, married with children, balding, with love handles and recurring liver problems. Well maybe not, but it's too bad Georgie couldn't have done it like the makers of the Matrix or the Lord of the Rings trilogies.
Now would be a good chance for me to pre-empt the inevitable attacks that will strike us next month, as the media starts to work its publicity machine for the Nov. 5th release of Matrix Revolutions. I don't know about everyone else, but I am already mentally preparing myself for another barrage of Powerade ads, Access Hollywood special reports, and Keanu Reeves on every single talk show. That stuff almost killed me the last time around for Matrix Reloaded. Yes that's right, I'm hyping the hype. I'm an even bigger nerd than you all thought.
If all goes well, at least the first half of October will provide us here in Chicago with a welcome diversion. In case nobody has noticed, both the Cubs and the White Sox are in 1st place right now, with only a few weeks left in the season. Not sure what the Cubs schedule looks like, but the Sox still have to play the Royals and Twins 7 times each from here on out, throwing in the Red Sox and Yankees for good measure. If Jerry Manuel doesn't do anything too stupid (a big "if"), and the Cubs can stay hot, this city will be hopping a month from now. OH BABY
OH MAN that gives me an idea... Anybody up for going to the Sox game tomorrow night? We play Minnesota, and if I'm not mistaken, it's Pepsi Half-price Tuesday. I'd want to go tonight, but I need to watch Derrick get his 9 tackles. Anyways, I've been itching to go to a game for a while now, and this series with the Twins is a good opportunity. If interested, email me, call, or leave a comment here ASAP so we can set it up. haha I used "ASAP" in a sentence. I hate people who use "ASAP".
Oh, and what happened to blogger's pimp interface? This is so primitive.