Cheap Gas
For as long as I can remember, we've always complained about gas prices being too high. This summer was especially bad when prices jumped up to almost $4 a gallon around here.
But in the weeks since then, the prices have been falling steadily back to normal, and if I'm not mistaken, even lower than they were before the summer spike. They're in the $2.50 range now, which lets me fill up a tank for less than $40 again, even at premium ("Hey, that smells like Regular... she needs Premium dude! PREMIUM!!! DUDE!!!"). Still a lot to pay, but not nearly as bad as before.
I'm not sure how the numbers compare in the larger picture of historical trends or whatever, but if I had to guess, I'd probably say these are much lower prices than they should be, when you account for inflation and everything.
I guess I'm bringing this up because like I said, it's rare that we ever hear people talking about falling gas prices. So rare that I'm not sure how we should be reacting to it.
Should we feel thankful, to whoever/whatever is responsible for reducing these prices?
Should we feel suspicious, that this is just a knee-jerk reaction by the oil industry and/or government to keep this country addicted?
Or should we just enjoy it while it lasts, while fully expecting the prices to reverse any day now and continue its long term upward trend?
Did I really just hear a remake of a Seal song, done by Alanis Morissette? What is this world coming to?