Why is it that most girls don't have a problem with guys thinking Jessica Alba is hot, but freak out if you say the same thing about Britney Spears?
As someone who has made his admiration of Britney well known to everyone in the past few years, I have caught my share of negative reactions from girls. Some will acknowledge that she is attractive, but harp on her for being a hoe and lacking talent. Others won't even acknowledge that she's pretty, they just plain hate her.
I always figured it was just due to jealousy. But when I tell girls that I think Jessica Alba is hot, about 95% of them are so quick to agree with me, and I can't remember a single time I was ever chastised for expressing that opinion.
The thing is, if you stop and think about it, you could argue that Jessica Alba is less talented and done far less as an actress, than Britney has done as a pop singer. Although I enjoyed Dark Angel while it lasted, and thought Honey was a mildly entertaining movie, I don't think either of those performances compares to the accomplishments of Britney Spears in the music world.
So it can't just be jealousy, can it? I mean, if you want to rag on Britney cause you think she's a no-talent hack, how can you like Jessica then? Maybe I'm just missing something here.
Wow... Possibly the funniest thing I have ever seen, in the pregame studio segment before the Illini/Mizzou game today, Rick Majerus said "You know, I'm not a big Gay guy".
What he meant was that he wasn't a big fan of UConn's Rudy Gay, but that didn't stop me from almost dying of laughter. Rick Majerus.... big Gay guy.... muahahaha
Steve Lavin next to him was noticeably trying not to crack up too. Oh man.... moments like those make me wish I had a TiVo. If anyone has a clip of that recorded please oh please send it to me!
Edit - By the way, here is a picture of Rick Majerus for those of you who don't know what he looks like: