Today I didn't even have to use my AK
I got to say it was a good day... - Ice Cube
It's hard for me to imagine going back to work after having the past week free to do whatever, but Thursday is coming soon and I had to live it up while I could.
So I spent the day like any other thug would, at the MSI with my homies. (That's Museum of Science and Industry in case you aren't hip). It was a pretty good time, I hadn't been to the museum in like 15 years, but it's still cool. The best part was the hatchery. Baby chickens are cool.
Anyways, it was nice to do something different with people I don't normally see that much (plus Piya), so it was a good day. I'm glad whoever was able to make it came along and had fun along with me.
I am tired right now so I am gonna go to sleep. But before I go, here is a picture of a gangsta fetus throwing down some signs that I took at MSI:
I would post more pics, but I think my photography skills suck or I haven't figured out how to use my camera right because most of the pictures I take turn out bad.