Wednesday, June 18, 2003


- It's been a while since I watched a movie, the last one was Matrix Reloaded I think. People have told me that Bruce Almighty, Finding Nemo, Italian Job, and 2 Fast 2 Furious are all good, and I haven't seen any of them. Also, the Hulk is coming out this weekend, but I was never really a fan so it doesn't excite me. So, either I will go on a movie-watching spree in the next couple weeks, or I could just wait and in a few months I will be able to have a movie-renting spree. Sometimes it's good to "invest" by not watching movies in the theater when they come out, so that I'll have something to rent in the future.

- I think I could watch any of the Austin Powers movies over and over without getting sick of them. Although I have only seen the 3rd one once, I'm sure I wouldn't mind seeing it many times, especially since Britney is in it. The original AP is my favorite though. "My name is Richie Cunningham and this is my wife, Oprah"... hahahha. Too bad I think only a few people I know of (other than myself) truly enjoy parts like those.

- I don't really use cash anymore, other than at fast food restaurants. It's a good thing in that I don't have to deal with coins and stuff as much, and I can track my spending on my credit card bill and bank statement. But the downside is that I never get to use "benjamins" or "c-notes". Which sucks, because I'm trying to talk and be more ghetto. I mean, what's cooler, writing a check for $500, or pulling out a wad of bills and counting out the money yourself? You ever hear rappers talk about "swiping my debit card at Jewel"? Doubt it.

- I've been trying to figure out a cheap, easy way to play DVDs from my computer to my TV. I thought it would just be a cable with a VGA connector on one end and S-Video on the other. But after looking and asking around, I don't think it's that simple. I think I would need a converter thing, and those all cost around a hundred bucks from what I've seen online. Which is stupid, because in that case I might as well just spend the benjamin on a cheap DVD player anyways. And I think that is what I will do.

- This is an exciting year, because it is the year in which 2Pac is supposed to return. If you don't know what I'm talking about, look up "2Pac" and "7 year theory" on Google and you will probably find some very convincing explanations. Me and Chras have been believers since freshman year of college.

- I played one game of craft yesterday, and for the first time in a long time, felt like I was awesome. A 3v3 with randoms, the other team was a clan, one of my partners left for no reason in the first 5 minutes, and the other partner sucked. So I took over and dominated. Maybe it's cause I was playing at around 5pm and only high school kids play at that time after school, but still, I was proud of myself.

- One thing that sucks about work is that I have to remember too many passwords, and then they make you change them every month or two. I always used the same password for everything, but now I have to be creative and sheezy, because you can't repeat any of your passwords in the past 5 cycles or something. Then, I end up forgetting what it was, and I gotta go through all this trouble just to reconfigure my login.

- I like the Michelle Branch song "Are You Happy Now", maybe so much that I will leave a comment on her Xanga site. The only thing is, her voice reminds me a little too much of Alanis Morrissette. It's more noticeable in the song "All You Wanted", but sometimes I swear she must be related to Alanis or something.

- Puff Daddy is getting creative with his sampling. It seems to me that the Bad Boy/Nelly song they are playing right now blatantly rips off its beat from the "Tomahawk Chop". You know, the one Atlanta Braves fans used to do at games, with the ax motion and everything. "OHHH-OH-OH-OHHHHH..... OHHHH-OH-OH-OHHHHHH...."