Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Sick Blog

A recap of the past 36 hours:

Monday Night - Driving home from work, I was literally a block away from my house when a commercial came on the radio for $1 Filet'O'Fish at McDonalds. Since I have had a lifelong love affair with Fricky D's Fishes, I couldn't resist and went to go buy some. Boy, was that a mistake. As soon as I ate those two sandwiches and the "McValue Fries" (I felt like a homo ordering McValue Fries in the DriveThru), something didn't feel right.

Nevertheless, I played a couple games of Starcraft before watching Punk'D. Jessica Alba is really good looking but she also seems like a major biatch too. "Niiooo! I don't give a f_ck!" I have to give her negative points for that. Then I went to sleep.

Tuesday - Woke up feeling like crap. Head hurt like hell, mouth dry, muscles sore. Went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, but ended up hurling last night's dinner. I'm not eating any more Filet'O'Fishes for at least a week.

The funny thing about throwing up is that it is one of the worst physical feelings when it's happening. But in the minutes afterward, you feel good. A strange "Vomiter's High", if you will. And since I had a big Design Review meeting to attend, I decided to be a trooper and go to work.

By the time I get there, the Vomiter's High has all but faded. First thing I do once I get to my desk is check my email. I have one message telling me that the Design Review is rescheduled for later this week. About 2 hours later, I just can't last any longer and I take the rest of the day off.

Get home and pass out in my bed. My mom and dad return from their Italy trip to find me in bed with a big pot next to my head, which I had prepared in case of more hurlage. Spent the rest of the afternoon and night tossing and turning in bed. Maybe it's true that boys are babies when they're sick, but that just means we need girls that much more to take care of us.

Wednesday - Woke up feeling like crap, again. Head hurts, but this time I think it's soreness from being in bed all day, not from the sickness. Called in sick to work. Decided to write a blog.


I don't know about everyone else, but when I'm sick, my brain runs at like a million thoughts per second (or something like that). I swear, minutes seemed like hours yesterday when I was in bed. And unfortunately, my mind was filled with almost all negative thoughts. I had the angriest Linkin Park song stuck in my head, and couldn't stop thinking of images from the bathroom scene in Dreamcatchers. Fat guy's bloody ass, over and over! Sweet... Maybe in the future I will have to be more careful with what I put into my brain. I'm gonna listen to Chopin all day or watch Aladdin and Crossroads. Starting now.

Something that bothers me about being sick is, you don't get to see your attacker. I mean, it's one thing if you get mauled by a bear or something, cause then you know why your body is all jacked up. But no, you're being brought to your knees by a microscopic single-celled organism that barely counts as a living thing. They don't even have DNA, they have RNA. What the hell is that?! Makes me so mad.

I hate how every muscle in your body gets sore too. It's especially bad for me because I'm so muscular. Damn, why do I have to be so frickin huge? But I think I lost like 10 pounds in the past 2 days. And probably most of the strength I gained from the last month of lifting. >:-O

Shoot, I missed April Fools too. Not that I ever really did any real pranks for that, but still. I think me and Piya have the most immature humor on April Fools that isn't funny to anybody else. So I'll spare the rest of the readers from our jokes.

Well, I should probably go eat breakfast. My stomach is feeling funny and my brain is fried. Come to think of it, it probably wasn't a good idea to write this blog. It might be one of my most confusing and incoherent entries ever. Oh well.

Oh, here's a link to a story that might entertain you, in case you were disappointed by the content of this blog: National guardman changed his name to a toy

"And when it's on, we transform like Optimus Prime" - DMX, Get At Me Dog