Saturday Morning
I woke up this morning to the sound of a fire truck's siren. Now, I live about 2 minutes away from the fire station, so I am kind of used to hearing these sirens in the distance every once in a while. But this morning, it sounded like the siren was especially loud. And this time, it was followed by the sound of a truck going by. Since I was dead tired and I wanted to sleep, I just ignored it and tried to go back to sleep.
But, about 10 minutes later, the same thing happened. Being the stubborn sleeper I am, I refused to get up until about an hour (and 4 or 5 more siren passings) later.
It turns out that the fire station was giving tours aboard its fire engine at about 10 am on a Saturday morning. Now, firefighters are great and everything, but what is up with that? Don't they have any lives to save or anything? At least go rescue some cats or something.
I guess 10 o'clock isn't really that early, but still I was pretty pissed that I got woken up earlier than I wanted to on the one day of the week I get to sleep late. Seriously, what kind of people wake up on a Saturday morning and say to themselves, "gee, it seems like a nice day, I think I'll go to the fire station and catch a tour on the shiny red fire truck." Not anybody I know. These people, whoever they are, need to go buy themselves a Nintendo and play it.
Also, isn't there a better place to tour than a small residential street, which happens to be where I live? That doesn't seem like a very interesting tour. "Hey look, a 2-car garage! Look, another one!" or "dang, that lawn is hella green, man!" "Speed Limit is 25, let's cruise baby!" Not that the town of Darien is all that interesting, but at least we have a WalMart and a few streets that are busier. Of all the places, why do these fools choose to drive in front of my house and ring their stupid siren on a Saturday morning?
Yes, I am feeling just a tad bit "belligerent" today...