Mother May I
Can't believe it's May already. April completely flew by, but it was really an excellent month in more ways than one. I don't have time to cover all my thoughts here at the moment, but figured I'd still leave some thoughts and notes for the record.
- Leona Lewis - "Spirit" is a phenomenal album. She's got an exceptional voice and great songwriters behind the scenes. It's been a while since anyone on the pop scene has shown this much potential. I'm excited for Leona's prospects in the coming years.
- We strung it out longer than expected, but Sally's finally about to move out in a matter of days. For most of the past month, it has just been me and Sallzz at the townhouse, and I have definitely enjoyed these final weeks with the little bastard child. It's been a joy to watch her continue to grow and learn how to behave (even if she still needs a lot of PB time to keep her in check). I'm not sure what it will be like at the moment I have to say goodbye. I'm sure it will be sad, but knowing that she's going to a permanent home with good parents makes it more bearable in the end. I imagine it will be kind of like a father watching his daughter go off to college, or something like that.
- Attended my first Sox game of the year, a very wet affair against the Yankees. Despite the 2 rain delays, it was one of the best Sox experiences I've ever had. The game went back and forth before a Joe Crede single drove home the winning run in the bottom of the 9th. With a fair amount of NY fans in attendance, it was definitely the most exciting non-playoff game atmosphere I have seen in a long time. When it wasn't raining, the weather was actually really nice. And even during the delays, it just meant more opportunities to gorge on the food... haha.
- People say that gray hairs are caused by stress, and I always figured that it was just one of those things people say, but have no real basis. Lately though, I'm starting to believe it more than I did before. I found my first gray hair during one of the most stressful times of my life, and continued to find them occasionally over the years following that, which were also times when I wasn't in the happiest place. But since then, I realized that I haven't noticed any more gray hairs popping up in a while. When I stop to think about it, my stress level is actually pretty low right now and I'm probably the healthiest and happiest I have been in years. I'm eating fairly well, cutting down on drinking, working out/running semi-regularly, and getting good sleep. Granted, this is a very small sample size and far from a scientific observation, but I thought I'd mention it anyways.