Asian Pacific American History Month
How many people know that May is "Asian Pacific American History (/Heritage) Month"? I never even heard of it in my life until yesterday. Now I'm kinda pissed. I can't believe I've been missing out on all the Asian Pacific American hoopla all these years. My May's have been so disturbingly lacking in heritage... what a bummer.
So I looked up info on the whole thing on Google, and learned some interesting facts. The most amusing thing to me was that Asian Pacific American Heritage Month actually started out as Asian Pacific American Heritage Week in the '70s, as the first 10 days of May (why 10 days was called a "week" don't ask me). Then, for whatever reason, the first President George "H-Dubs" Bush extended it in 1990 to span the rest of May as well. Score!!
I guess maybe somewhere along the way in the '80s, Asian Pacific Americans got more popular or influential in this country and white people decided that we deserved a spot along with the other minorities. So now it's not only Blacks, Women, Hispanics, and Native Americans who get to celebrate their very own one whole month out of the year. I too, as a Asian Pacific American now have May to hold onto as mine. It's also cool that we got a 31-day month, whereas Black people kind of got screwed with February. [in voice of Nelson from Simpsons]: ha-ha
Ok, in case you didn't know, I'm just kidding. Well, there really is such a thing as APAHM in May, and that history stuff was true too, but honestly it all couldn't mean less to me, an APA. The whole idea seems pretty cheesy if you ask me. I remember The Onion had a hilarious article in March about "Black History Month Ends As White History Year Resumes", and that pretty much sums up just how meaningless the concept of "_____ History Months" are. But if you are still interested, look it up on Google yourself, there's a lot of info on Asian History that you might find intriguing.
Normally I would take this opportunity to write down my whole spiel on race relations and all that, but I don't want this blog to be super long. See, I'm really trying to keep things short. But know that I do have a lot of thoughts on the subject of race and if anyone is interested in having a heavy discussion, come talk to me in person and we'll have a friendly chat.
Update on the UPS Delivery: As you may have noticed, I did not write an entry about "Why I Hate UPS Online Tracking". This is because I did get my package, as promised by the tracking info on the website. Too bad I didn't have time to play with it much yesterday, but hopefully when I get home today, I will have a chance to check out my toy in more detail. As Chras would say, "GYEAHHH".