Last night I went to sleep early (9:30-ish) and today I woke up feeling very refreshed, quite swell, and maybe even a bit spicy, you might say. I wish I could do that every night, but I can't. It's really rather amazing how much difference what an hour's worth of sleep can do for your day.
Anyways, that put me in a good mood to start the day, which was surprisingly not dampened by the 1 hour and 20 minutes spent on the road in the morning commute alone. I didn't even curse the gapers for causing delays.
So we had the first department meeting of the year today, and everyone had to introduce themselves, mostly for the sake of the newer people (like me). There's a couple people there that are around my age, but the rest of them are older. It's weird hearing all these guys saying "I've been working here for 25 years" or "I've been here 35 years" when I haven't even lived that long myself.
I don't know if that will be me in 30 years - managing, supervising, and holla-ing back at the young'ns, and then going home to play with my grandchildren. They all seem pretty happy with where they're at in life though. I wonder if they had any idea they'd be at the same company for so long when they first started out. As for me, I can barely picture where I'll be in 5 years, let alone 20 or 30. One day at a time, I guess.
Something I noticed in the parking lot is that I probably have a more expensive car than all but about 1% of the cars in the lot. While the fact is, I have been at this company and probably make less than about 99% of the people there. Maybe engineers don't care what they drive. One of my managers has a early '90s Buick, and another one drives an old Camry. But what about the corporate people? I'm guessing they just choose to drive the crappier car to work, with the snow and all, while saving the M5 or Porsche for the weekend pimping. Well, for me it's either the G or the minivan.
Or I could take the Skyline:
It's kind of small though, and the driver's seat is on the right. Too bad.
I just realized that I missed watching High School Reunion on Sunday. I guess I am just not very easily hooked on those kinds of shows. It's too much trouble to remember when everything is on, that's why I prefer Real World cause MTV shows those marathons all the time and I can catch up on all the episodes at once.
Oh, and I went to Cub Foods the other day to pick up some stuff for making my lunch, and I looked for Squeeze-its. But I'm sorry to say, they were nowhere to be found. I will have to look at Dominicks or Jewel, the more high-class supermarkets.
Hey by the way, there is a sale this week at Dominicks starting Thursday, 5 for $10 Jack's Frozen Pizza. That's right, for a mere $2 each, you too can own up to 5 of these delightful creations. All it takes is a little bit of preheating and 12 minutes in the oven, and it's ready to eat. Then you could be like Kevin McAllister and say, "A lovely cheese pizza, just for me."