Haven't written anything about my momma in a while, so this blog is due for a dudo509 momma story. I went over to Olivia's house to watch the Illini game, eat KFC, and play Starcraft for a few hours. When I got back, the following note was taped on my computer monitor:
You didn't shut off the computer again while staying away for such a long hours. Please not to do it, it's wasteful for the electricity for not working with it, right.
11:30 pm"
hahaha gotta love my mother.
Also, last night I went to Navy Pier with Olivia and some of her med school homies for some Winter Wonderfest thing. I ice skated for the first time in like 15 years and we also did this:
It was this cookie decorating thing that I got suckered into doing. That's supposed to be a snowman, we messed up the lips so we're just gonna say he's sticking out his tongue. Other than that, not bad, eh? And yes, those are our initials on the bottom.
I heard a funny thing from Will today. The ebonics word of the day - Omelette. Example: "I should punch you ded in the eye fo wha you jus sed, but omelette dis one slide."