"Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work..." - Exodus 20:9-10
An often overlooked commandment, but God definitely knew what he was doing when he declared one day of rest a week. I don't know how people actually work like 100 hour weeks, but I worked about half of that and it left me exhausted. Today after church, I had a 3 hour nap. It was pretty clutch, I must say. After all the working, I really needed that.
Although I guess the 4 hours working Saturday wasn't so bad. Something about the atmosphere is just a lot more chill than weekdays, even though I'm in the office. Maybe it's just because there's barely any people around and it is quiet. Kind of reminded me of summer school, when there's barely anyone around town, and everything is so relaxed.
And I got a taste of what the commute could be like, without traffic. But it's probably better that there is traffic, or else I might have had about 10 speeding tickets already.
You know what though, the G cruises so smoothly at 100+. Not that I condone that type of reckless behavior, but with an open road, and all the tension built up over time from stop-and-go driving, I couldn't pass up the chance. I might even say that short bout of open, free driving was worth the 4 hours at work.
Saturday night I went with Olivia to her med school "Winter Ball", which was aight. Didn't really know anybody there, but oh well. Here are some pics:
This is us at her apartment before leaving. Notice the big blue monster in the background. I'm not sure if I mentioned this story in an old blog, but when me and Olivia went to Fright Fest this year, I won that guy from one of those games where you toss a ring and try to make it land on a bottle. The best part was trying to carry that thing through the crowd at Great America back to my car. Every single person we passed was like "Ohmygod they got the big blue monster!" while some little girl's jaw dropped wide open and she kept staring at it. Good times.
Here's a group picture. I think I was chewing something. When you take pictures of me, ALWAYS count to three and let me know when you are gonna take it. Unless you want me to look like a fool.
Another group pic. Of all these people, I only know Olivia and the guy on the right. You could probably tell I didn't belong by the fact that I am behind everyone else. Maybe it's just cause I had to set the camera, but still.
Ok, gotta sleep.