Two Formats Later
Tip: After you install something on your computer and it says you need to restart, DO IT.
After I formatted my hard drive yesterday, installed Windows, Office, my wireless card, Winamp, AIM, WinZip, RioPort Audio Manager (for my mp3 player), Divx, my digital camera software, printer software, I had to do it all over again when it locked up after I tried to restart the computer.
That sucked. Formatting once in a day is plenty of work, twice is just way too much. Plus I lost all my documents the second time around cause I wasn't exactly planning to format again. Not my mp3s and videos, but my old ECE and Food Science lab writeups, my resume, pictures, bookmarks, and sounds I recorded for fun back when I had my microphone installed.
By the way, AIM direct connect is hilarious if you build up a library of sounds to use. I had a bunch of ones I recorded like "rod-is-gay.wav", plus some good Chris Rock quotes, James Iha saying "what up," and Homer Simpson saying "U R Gay" and laughing. Hours of fun, especially if you are immature like me.
I saw "Catch Me If You Can" yesterday too. It was pretty good, I enjoyed it even though I don't like either Leonardo DiCraprio or Tom Spanks (haha Olivia came up with Tom Spanks, I'm training her to be immature like me). A pleasant surprise was that Leo's dad was played by Christopher Walken. I guess Christopher Walken isn't "awesome" by himself, but after they had the Star Wars Audition thing on SNL making fun of him, it's mounds of joy to hear him talk in an actual movie. Cause that's how he really talks, I just didn't notice it until the SNL thing.
One piece of sad news to report - you know the little intro shorts they play at AMC before previews and before the feature presentation? I think they replaced them with new ones. If you don't know what I'm talking about, they always have these short scenes featuring this guy made up of filmstrips. There's one where he's fumbling around in the dark and accidentally knocks over some stuff, and it says "Silence Is Golden". Or, before the feature presentation, it shows him getting ready to compose a symphony, but then all the musical notes on the sheet music fall off and he ends up spinning them all into a swirling stream of starry splendor. I think I watch too many movies at AMC. But it's sad that they might not have that filmstrip guy anymore.
One of my favorite things on the radio is when Tony Scofield does the news on WGCI. He announces the story in alliteration like "Saddam's still stashes his supply of Scuds so he can send stuff at surrounding small countries, while the coward continues to collect cool cash in his capital to create chemical compounds at a clandestine location." Ok, I made that one up so it's not as good. But it's pretty impressive if you get a chance to hear it and he does actually use words like clandestine which makes me giggle.