Thoughts By Joe Thousandaire (me)
Like 40 miillion other suckers in this country, I watched the end of Joe Millionaire last night. What a sweet ending. Couldn't have been gayer even if Richard Simmons was Joe Millionaire.
Anyways, I was thinking about the whole thing. Would I want $50 million, or $1 million, for that matter, if it were just handed to me? At first the answer seems obvious. You gotta be stupid not to take it.
But other than blowing it on Ferraris, a nice crib, and premium heroin, how fulfilling is it to just have all that money fall in your lap? Do I really want to go through life just living off of someone's gift?
Okay, so I'd still take the money, of course. You know what though, it's a waste of your existence to go through life and not accomplish anything meaningful before you die. That's why I don't play the lottery, cause it's such a sad concept to me. That, and it's a waste of a dollar.
Even though my bank account is pretty modest right now, it's still rewarding to see it go up by however little it does each week. Why? Because I worked for it, because I earned it. One day in the future I am confident that I will make millions on my own, by working hard to reach my goals. I don't need no stupid show for that. For now, I'm just little Joe Thousandaire Systems Engineer.
Currently playing on my Winamp: Britney Spears - Email My Heart
Contest is still going. So far, as expected, I have 0 entries. It's a tough contest, I'll admit, I doubt anyone reading this blog will be able to get anything close to all 10. But if you happen to be the only one who enters, you automatically win. Well, I'm gonna throw in a clause: if you choose retarded CDs like Enrique Iglesias, then you are disqualified. I ain't buyin no drink for any Enrique lovers. I especially ain't kissin no Enrique lover's cheek.
Also, don't know if this applies to anyone, but I am sorry if anyone has tried to comment in the past few days. It's been acting funny lately, but I think it's ok now.