Out of all the entertaining parts of last friday's brawl, it's hard to pick a favorite. Jermaine O'Neal jacking that guy with a running haymaker was quality, and Stephen Jackson going nuts all over the place was good too. It was also hilarious when the fan was punching Artest from behind, and then Artest turned around and started whaling on him.
I can't find a good video or picture of it, but I think the first guy Artest chased in the stands was actually holding a drink in his hand when Artest started kicking his ass. Wasn't the whole point of going after that fan because he thought that was the guy who threw the beer on him? I guess it never crossed Ronny-boy's mind that maybe if the man was still holding his drink, he probably wasn't the one who threw a drink at him. Hilarious.
Thanks to my dad's internet hookups (I know, what the), he downloaded a bunch of pirated movies which I watched this weekend. Actually, it was just the first half of Shark Tale (I hope it was the lame half, cause it was pretty lame), and Dodgeball. He also got Alexander, but it turned out to be not the one that just came out, but an old movie called Alexander the Great from the 60's or 70's.
I heard the new version of Alexander is under fire in Greece because it suggests that he was gay/bisexual. Interesting.... I wouldn't be surprised, I always thought Colin Farrell was kind of queer.
I also heard that the mom from Meet the Parents is the real-life mom of Gwyneth Paltrow.
Considering how horrible a time it is to be a sports fan around Chicago these days, it is that much more of a relief that Illini basketball is back. Bulls have zero wins in 8 games, everyone important on the Bears is injured, and there's not even a NHL season to follow.
If anyone is going down to U of I at all in the next few weeks, can you do me a favor and try to get a couple of those Illini basketball schedule posters for me? I would like to continue the tradition:
Maybe one of these days I will have to write the entire story on the Wafflemaker Quest, but for now just some highlights:
- Flipped Will on the sidewalk after a friendly hug from behind
- Insulted some girl
- Miller Lite sign
- Licked a slice of pizza and yelled at Andy for not eating it
- Played with a rabbit and got lots of fur shedded on my coat. It's ok though, I love rabbits.
- Test tube shot injuries
Favorite song right now: Lil Wayne - "Go DJ". I like the lyrics, so inspiring.
On the other hand, one song that bothers me is John Mayer's "Daughters". It's not that I have anything against cheesy music, in fact I have this CD and like it overall. But this song is just annoying. Like some guy is going to listen to this song and be like "I guess I should be good to my daughter, John Mayer said so"? Lame.