My day started innocently enough, waking up around 9, watching some infomercials for Bowflex and some steam cleaner device. I think actually my dad bought that steamer thing and it's sitting at home in the basement somewhere, unused right now.
Next, played a couple games of craft with Dan and Dennis. We got raped both times. I felt like the biggest joke on Battlenet, it was that bad.
The afternoon involved giving my car a thorough wash and polish treatment, interspersed with watching Shawshank Redemption on TV. The process included:
- Vacuum interior
- Watch Andy Dufresne's first days in prison
- Wash with Z-7
- Towel Dry
- Watch Andy get forked by the Sistas
- Layer of Z-6
- Mix Z-2 and ZFX
- Andy plays opera music on the loudspeakers, gets sent to the hole
(by the way if you haven't seen Shawshank before, now would be a good time to stop reading.)
- Layer Z-2
- Layer of Meguiar's Tire Gloss.
- Noticed a metal screw in one of the tires. Decide to get it looked at sometime soon instead of trying to fix it myself.
- Warden shoots guy who could've testified to set Andy free
- Remove Z-2
- Layer of Z-6
- Andy escapes, screws over guards and Warden, meets Red in Mexico. YAY
- Layer of Meguiar's Tire Gloss
For those who might be interested in my advice on car wash products, I recommend the Zaino system for wash and polish, and Meguiar's stuff for tires and leather. Also, California duster products are pretty useful too. Contact me if you have any other questions.
Shawshank Redemption, goes without saying, one of the best movies ever. Possibly the best ending to any movie I have ever seen, up there with Usual Suspects and Return of the Jedi.
Anyways, I spent the evening at the Sox-Indians game with Olivia. Sox have been in a terrible slide for a couple weeks now, but I'm still more happy about this year's team than last year's. Didn't have a chance to write much about the Sox when they were doing well, unfortunately now it's all turned sour. I guess it does suck to lose your 2 best all around hitters all of a sudden, but it's no excuse to be doing this bad. Getting swept at home by the Twins was one thing, but then losing the series to KC (without Sweeney) was just not right.
In tonight's game, there were a few moments of excitement, basically all in the one inning when Cliff Lee got tired and we got 2 home runs (one 3-run shot by Robbie Alomar, and a 2-run shot by Uribe).
Towards the end of the game, I got to experience for myself the "Shingo Entrance Theme" as he came in to save the 2 run lead. It was exactly as I imagined it, except even gayer. Gong noises, Japanese words flashing on the big screen with the same 3 Shingo highlight clips being repeated over and over. Also, the words "Mr. Zero" scrolling across the screen. Surprisingly, the crowd was pretty into it, and everyone seemed to be a big Shingo fan. He then proceeded to blow the lead and get a loss by allowing 2 singles and a 3-run jack to Matt Lawton. Not good.
But the most fun of the night was when I was driving home from Olivia's condo, and my front left tire decided to go down in the Express Lanes on the Kennedy. You may have noticed there was foreshadowing of this event from earlier in this entry. Anyways, I was lucky it was in a place where there was some shoulder, otherwise I don't know what would've happened.
Even so, trying to fix a flat tire on the shoulder of the Express lanes around midnight is not my favorite situation to be in. Some cars driving by felt like they were a lot closer than I would consider a safe distance, but oh well. I'm still alive and typing a blog now, so it's all good. I thought about calling up Infiniti Roadside Assistance, but decided it would take too long. Also, I didn't want to be a pussy. A real man fixes his own flat tires, I say. A few minutes later, a cop finally pulled up behind me with his lights on, to offer me some protection and safety. For once, I got to deal with a cop who wasn't looking to write me a ticket. Kind of nice, really.
As far as the tire goes, I wouldn't so much call it a "flat" tire as I would a "exploded" tire. When I got out to look at it, the ground around the tire was splattered with all these bits of tire rubber. Not cool at all. When I got home, I decided to take some pictures to commemorate and remember this fine experience. And now I will share them with my readers:
I guess my car has a full-size spare, which is nice. I'd rather not have to use it though. Looks like tomorrow will involve me trying to get a new tire. Hope NTB is open on Sundays.
I really need to go to sleep now.