After furniture browsing, I stopped into the Borders by Woodfield and did some book and magazine browsing. It's something I haven't done in a long time and something I should really do more of. When I was younger, there was a Super Crown right by my house, and me and my sis would ride our bikes there during the summer and read for hours. I think the first thing I need to read up on is cooking. Maybe I will buy "Chinese Cooking For Dummies" when I have more time to experiment and stuff.
I was looking at pictures from my mom and dad's trip to Italy and Switzerland, and it suddenly made me a little jealous that I didn't get to go. There's so much cool stuff there. The Colosseum, Leaning Tower, Sistine Chapel to name a few. I'm not a big expert in art, but I think the painting in the Sistine Chapel of God and Adam is unbelievable. Michelangelo was a pure genius.
I've promised myself that at least once in my life I will go to Italy myself and visit all these sites. I want to visit China sometime too. It makes me sad that my homeland is today ruled by Communist dictators. China has such a proud history in ancient times but look how far they have fallen. Although I still think Chinese people have preserved the rich tradition and culture throughout the years to be successful wherever they go.
But thinking about how the great empires fell, not only China, but Roman, Egyptian, Mongolian, British, and every single other dominant power in world history, we in America should take it to heart and not be so cocky and act invincible in world affairs. Even though our military power is head and shoulders above any other in the world, it doesn't mean we can never lose our position as the dominant superpower.
Donald Rumsfeld especially pisses me off, it's hard for me to imagine a bigger jackass than him. I can't even imagine if I were living in another country, how much I would hate that guy.