Post-holiday Hangover
6 am, Thursday January 2nd, 2003, clock radio wakes me up and it's back to work. "Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got, I'm still I'M STILL Jenny from the block. I used to have a little, now I have a lot..." - such inspiring words by the poet of our generation J-Lo, I gots to say. Brings a tear to my pretty eye.
Anyways, it wasn't so hard waking up. But staying alert throughout the day was a different story. One discouraging moment was around noon, after 4 hours of hard work I decided to reward myself with lunch (roast beef sandwich, chips, and Capri-Suns as always), then the thought hit me that for the past week or so I probably would not have even woken up by that time. Oh well.
I'm getting kind of sick of Capri-Suns, next time I go to Dominick's I'm gonna look for Squeeze-its. Hopefully they still make those.
It's probably not a good thing to do on your first day back at work, but I had to check what our next holiday is, just to see. Sadly, it is not for another 3 1/2 months, Good Friday 4/18. I am really appreciating holidays so much more since I started working. Next time I have time off, we are all going to do something cool, kind of like the Museum but something else. I'll think of something good hopefully.
Something that entertains me a lot is listening to Eminem, and then hearing one of his songs on the radio. I just like to hear how he tries to replace some lyrics with less offensive ones. The latest example is in "Superman" where almost half of the song is changed in the radio edit from the album version. Like, "bitches" becomes "chickens" or "tricks", "hoes" becomes "girls" (but only some of the times), "slap you off that barstool" becomes "bump you off that barstool." My favorite is "Superman ain't savin spit" cause I didn't know anyone else besides me used that. The one that puzzles me is, how does "leave footprints all across you" make it any better than "leave handprints all across you"?
Now that I got used to my optical mouse at home, the plain old roller mouse at work just doesn't cut it anymore. Kind of like going back to driving the old Ford Taurus after taking a spin in the G, but not as drastic.
The question for tonight is, to lift, or not to lift? I'm leaning towards no.
1. It will almost definitely be crowded from all the stupids who made a New Year's resolution to work out (which I can pretty much guarantee will be broken within 2 weeks), and
2. I am tired and I want to sleep early
Time to eat.