One other bad part about the weekend was when I watched Honey. I wasn't expecting much, and it still sucked more than I thought it would. I think, in all seriousness, the only good acting in the whole movie came from Missy Elliott.
This week at work, I'm officially being transferred from the Systems Engineering group to the Analog Design group. That means new bosses, new projects, probably new desk. I really liked my old bosses in the past year and a half I've been here, but I think this will be a good change for me. Well, at least I hope it will.
Seems like for a lot of people who graduated and started working in 2002 like me, this is a time when a lot is changing for us career wise. Either we're getting restless after getting a taste of what the next 10, 20, or 30 years of life might be like at this job, or circumstances outside of our own control are dictating the shakeups that are happening or about to happen.
In either case, it's a less than desirable situation which also serves as yet another reminder to each of us that the real world is tough. Our college days are long behind us, and life isn't getting any easier.
You know, it still hasn't completely hit me yet that I'm already 24 years old. It's scary sometimes to think about what that means. For starters, I've seen a lot of people my age or younger who have already been buying houses, getting engaged, pursuing and/or achieving advanced degrees, things like that. And that's just among the people I know personally.
When I look at the NBA and see someone like LeBron James come in at age 18, it's crazy to think about how much younger he is than me, and how incredibly good he's gonna get by the time he's my age (in 6 years). I mean, the kid is barely out of high school, and he's already signed contracts that will pay him more money during this next year than I might save in an entire lifetime.
It's not that I'm focused on the money. I don't think I need to ever become a millionaire or billionaire to be happy in life. Like when I see someone such as Donald Trump, it's not his money or his power or even his fame that appeals to me. I don't envy his tacky looking house even if it did cost millions to build and furnish, nor do I wish to be surrounded by people who kiss my ass all day, every day.
But I can't help but admire him for accomplishing so much throughout his life. He started as just one man in this world, just like any one of us, but through years of hard work he managed to build an empire of his own. Now he's got these huge skyscrapers and casinos bearing his name. How many of us can claim anything like that on our resume?
Do I want to build a "Chen Tower" as my life's work or own a famous golf course? No, I really don't. All I'm saying is that it shows how much one person can do in just one lifetime. And it almost makes me feel stupid that I spend most of my days worrying about the weather, fantasy baseball, or how I'm going to spend my weekend.
From what I've heard, the late twenties is when a typical man starts to really get serious about his career, and think about what he wants to accomplish with his life. If that's so, then I guess I still have a good 3-4 years to putz around before panic time officially arrives. But then I keep hearing the same old voice in my head: youth is wasted on the young. If I want to do truly great things with this life, why wait until I'm past my prime to start pursuing them?
I only wish that right now, I knew what my purpose was and what I'm supposed to be seeking after. I do believe that I'm destined to someday do great things, I just don't know what those things are. The real question to ask at this point is, if I did know what I'm supposed to achieve 10 or 20 years from now, how should I be living my life differently today in order to prepare myself for that?
Anyways, I started all this talking about the changes going on at my job and those of my friends (actually I started with talking about how Honey sucked but oh well). For myself, the changes aren't going to be drastic, but I'm still feeling a little nervous about what's in store. For those of you who have either recently started a new career path, or have a lot of uncertainty going on with the place you're currently working, I really hope everything works out for the best for all of you guys in the end. Other than that, I don't know what else I can say. But if any of you need any help from me in any way, or just want to hang out and talk about life and stuff, I'll try my best to schedule you in to my busy life. Har har.