- I have written about my disdain for weather reports more than once in the past, but I don't care. Weather forecasts are a sham and a waste of time and I'll keep saying it unless they someday improve and make me change my mind. It pisses me off that given all the technology available today, they still can't do any better than the weak sauce they feed us.
I hate the ambiguity of their reports. What's the difference between "partly cloudy" and "partly sunny"? Other than the occasional day when the sky is completely clear or completely covered, isn't every day "partly sunny" or "partly cloudy"? What does "40% chance of rain" mean to me? Should I bring 40% of an umbrella, wash 40% of my car, or shut my windows 40% of the way? I don't need some hyped-up meteorologist telling me that it might rain or it might not rain, or that there's probably going to be some clouds in the sky along with some sunlight. I knew that already.
And even though they never commit to anything, they still get it wrong. For the past few days up through this morning, all I see is rain in their "forecasts". Rain, rain, more rain tonight, thunderstorms the rest of the week. Then I open up the same weather report a couple hours later and what do I see? Big happy sunny icons representing today's conditions. That's great that you can tell me it's sunny right now. I can look out the window and do just as well. Did you really need your fancy Doppler radar to tell you that one? Still, they make sure to cover their butts in case it ends up raining: "Some clouds. A stray thunderstorm is possible." Now, if you can't accurately predict what's going to happen later this same day, how can you expect anyone to believe what's in your 7-day forecasts?
- While getting my hair cut a few days ago, the lady asked me if I was going back to school soon. I said no, I graduated a couple years ago and now I'm working. Her response: "Oh that's great, my daughter graduated last year and she's working now too. So how old are you, like 19, 20...?"
- Olympics are cool, but I think I'm glad they are only once every 4 years. For a lot of these events, I can see why they aren't more popular outside of the Olympics. I'm not just talking about obscure stuff like archery, walking, fencing, trampoline, etc. I'm getting sick of the swimming, gymnastics, track & field too. So much politics and subjectivity to these sports that it just becomes too much to handle. Someone wins a medal and then you have all this bickering about tenths and hundredths of points in scoring, judging bias, illegal "dolphin kicks", doping, all this extra garbage that just turns off fans. Then they wonder why nobody wants to follow their sport more regularly.
- My current guilty pleasure in life is listening to the Jim Rome show when I'm driving home and back for lunch. Not because it's awesome, but because it is so awful that it's entertaining in a train-wreck kind of way. If it's not long uncomfortable pauses ("dead air", if you will), it's Rome harping on one subject for 20 minutes. And not like he's making new points, just saying the same thing over and over, with different phrasing until he's completely beaten the subject to death:
"Team USA loses in beach volleyball to Switzerland, a land-locked country. We lost to a country that has no oceans on any of its borders! They're land-locked! How sad is that, we can't win against the Swiss, who have zero beaches! They're a land-locked country! It's BEACH-volleyball. We invented the sport, we have beaches all over the place. You go to Switzerland, there's no oceans around!
[10 minutes later]
Simply pathetic, losing in beach volleyball to Switzerland. What a JOKE. I can see us losing to them in Alpine skiing, they have that. Not beach volleyball. We oughta be ashamed. Simply UNACCEPTABLE. We invent the sport, now we lose to a land-locked country.
I think what we need is to invent more Olympic events. How about 'shopping at the GAP'? I bet we could win gold in that pretty easily. How about 'eating fast food" and "being lazy'? That's something Americans are definitely good at. I think we should compete to see who has the worst reality shows. Guaranteed gold medal for USA there. I know, let's do Olympic 'shopping at the GAP'! Who's going to beat us in that? I'm sure Lithuania would have no chance. Or maybe 'starting wars', that's something our country is good at too.
[10 more minutes pass]
Since we can't win in the sports that we invented ourselves, that's what we need to do, just invent new ones. Olympic 'shopping at the GAP' - we'll sweep in that event. Not like beach volleyball. Losing at a sport you invented, to a country that has no beaches. Switzerland, a land-locked country. What a JOKE."
But my favorite thing about the Jim Rome show is his loyal followers, "clones" as they are called. They're all part of the "jungle". I don't normally use this phrase, but LOLZ. ROTFLMAO. Basically, they're all guys who call up or email trying to be clever enough to impress their grand master Jim Rome. They try to talk like him, using the same tone of voice and as many of his lame catchphrases. Which reminds me, I remember he used to have on his website a whole dictionary of those phrases. I'm sure it's still there, for anyone who feels like a dose of unintentional comedy I encourage you to look up his site yourself.
The funniest part is, no matter how bad the show is, I can't force myself to change the station. It's just too entertaining.