Work Busy-ness
The past couple days at work have been by far the busiest I have ever experienced since I started working. Normally, my days are pretty calm, I just do stuff at a leisurely pace. And that's usually enough get everything done without any problems. But for some reason, I have been flooded with phone calls and emails this week, most of which represent a new task for me. I'm really starting to hate that sound Microsoft Outlook makes when new mail arrives.
The bad part is, at the end of the day, I've worked over 10 hours, leave feeling exhausted, and still have a ton of stuff left to do the next day. The good part is, between all of the phone calls, emails, running between offices and labs, I barely even noticed the time going by and it's already Wednesday. I just want this week to be over, and I'm glad the end is somewhat in sight.
Another positive is that, at least in theory, since I haven't really had much of a chance to read peoples blogs and stuff in a few days, there will be many new and interesting updates awaiting me when I finally have time. Well, hopefully my theory will be correct.
Earlier today I got a "good job" from one of my managers. It was unexpected because he is usually one of the tougher guys to deal with, and he always grills everyone (including other managers) on things. The way he asks questions tends to make you feel like you are being interrogated, and it's hard to read his reaction, so usually I figured that he just wasn't possible to please. Thus, to hear a compliment from him was all the more fulfilling.
This makes me consider changing the way I treat people. Maybe if I gave everyone hard looks all the time, threw out insults, or just acted like an overall badass, people would be twice as impressed when I acted nice. So I'm thinking I should go around and say stuff like "dang, you're fugly" or "you are dumb as wood" all the time, and then one day if I happen to compliment someone on their shoes or something, they would be ecstatic.
On a side note, one of my guilty pleasures at work is listening to people get yelled at. It hasn't really happened to me, so maybe that's why I can be so sadistic. But there's something wildly entertaining about hearing people get ripped a new one by their boss.
Well, considering how much stuff I still have to do, it probably wasn't the best idea to write a blog. Looks like I might be here late again. Oh well.