Friday, March 14, 2003


"You know what you need? A little comic strip called 'Love Is...' It's about two naked eight-year olds who are married." - Homer Simpson

Maybe posting that pic will cause some people to consider me flamish, but oh well. I'm quite secure enough in my manhood and heterosexuality to include a "Love is..." thing in my blog, at least as just a one-time deal.

Anyways, you can ask me in private whether or not I think naked kids in a comic is "cute", but I definitely like what that one says. They managed to express something that I totally agree with so well, using only a few words and a cheesy little sketch. Anyone who reads my blog regularly knows that I probably would have written pages upon pages of unnecessary verbage to try to say the same thing.

I think the idea applies to all relationships, not just between a boyfriend-girlfriend, husband-wife, or naked kid-naked kid. Another nice little saying I like is "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I'm not".

I mean, everyone has faults, and to some point, it can be reasonably expected of us to change and improve ourselves over time. But what it all really comes down to is, we should all worry less about what you would change about other people, and be more concerned with what you need to change about yourself.

Other than that, all I can say is, life is short so appreciate everything for what it is. For me, I think there is already plenty to love about basically every single person I know, and I want everyone to know that I love you all.

Hugs and Kisses,



Ok, hopefully that blog wasn't too gay. By the way, if anyone reading this happens to have a copy of my original essay on Britney Spears, could you send it to me? It was originally posted on my students uiuc .plan and I had it saved as a text file on my computer, but that was lost when I botched up formatting my hard drive last time. But I think I sent it as an email attachment to some people. If I can somehow track it down, I wanna re-post it here on this blog.


Currently playing on my Winamp: Ben Folds Five - Brick
For some reason I went back through my collection last week and started listening to this CD again ("Whatever and ever amen"). Not a top 10, but definitely still good. So now my Winamp and my Rio are loaded with Ben Folds Five songs. By the way, I gotta say there's something about this song that is just a bit eerie to me. If you see abortion merely as a one-time act of removing a fetus, and nothing else, you should listen to this song. Really makes you think a little differently about it, that's all I can say.