Monday, May 26, 2003

Memorial Day Blog

First of all a big CONGRATS goes to Dennis for landing a job he wanted. Now he can experience the feeling I'm feeling now - when you realize after a long enjoyable weekend, "Shoot, I gotta go back to work tomorrow". But the positive is, he'll be 10 mins from where I work, about 20 from where I live. Good stuff.

Happy birthday goes to Nina... join the wonderful world of 23.

I never noticed this before, but I think the banner ad on the top of my blog page is tailored to some of what I write about. Today I noticed it was an ad for model F-14 Tomcats, which I'm guessing is from when I wrote about Northrop planes. And I think before there was a banner for White Sox memorabilia, but I just figured it was a coincidence.

I watched some of the Cal/UCLA girl's softball championship game. With Jennie Finch getting so much attention on Page 2 a while back, I figured maybe I'd check out some hotties. And oh boy, did I get what I was looking for, Veronica Nelson, yum yum:

Veronica Nelson


Currently playing on my Winamp: Frankie J - Don't Want To Try