Earlier today, around 5 pm or so, if you happened to live on my street, you could have witnessed a pretty entertaining scene. Some dumbass was washing his car in his driveway, and all of a sudden it started pouring rain, hardcore style. Then instead of just packing his stuff up and going inside right away, the idiot decided to try to finish washing. So while it continued to pour, you would've seen this guy scurrying around with a sponge, head down, and furiously trying scrub his vehicle as he got progressively drenched.
By the way, the dumbass of the story was me. To be fair, no weather reports I consulted throughout the day had even mentioned the possibility of rain. This episode further intensifies my scorn for the weather forecasting industry. They are so worthless. The thing is, it was really sunny and nice all day, and then in a matter of about 2 minutes, it got dark and then the clouds decided to unload on me and my car washing gear.
Anyways, the reason I decided to try and finish washing was because I only had one side done, and I figured it would look too retarded if only half of it was clean and the rest was dirty. As it turns out, I didn't exactly do the most thorough job finishing up the job in the rain, so there are still a bunch of parts that are dirty and my car looks retarded now anyways.
Meanwhile, I got pretty well soaked. I thought my days of getting soaked with my clothes on had reached its end with the "fountain incident" last month, but apparently this was not so. I must say that having all your clothes be plastered to your skin is one of my least favorite feelings. Not quite "catheter-level" of discomfort, but it still sucks.
Currently playing on my Winamp: Velvet Revolver - Set Me Free
Dang, I haven't written blogs at home in a long time. This song is good, Scott Weiland hasn't done anything good lately but this almost brings me back to the early STP days.
Some pics from BLU, as requested:
Sorry if it takes a while to load, or if Imagestation is messed up. Maybe in the future I will just post a link to an Imagestation album, but for now I'm just gonna try to keep it all on this page as much as possible.
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