Monday, July 28, 2003


Well, here I am at work late... again. So much stuff to do, the emails and phone calls keep coming from all these mother b*tches, asking me if I know the answer to their question and if not, can I find out, stuff like that. Being here past 5 or 6 sucks for the fact that normally at this time, I would be at home watching Friends or something. But I have to say, I get a whole lot more work done after everyone else is gone for the day, than I do in the 8 hours of normal time.

I guess one thing that calms me is thinking back to the early months of this year when I was on scheduled overtime. Add that to living in Darien, and snow on the highways, and I wasn't getting home till 7 or 8 a lot of times, while having to sleep at like 9 or 10. Also for a while my mom and dad went to Taiwan, so I had to take care of the house and cook for myself (i.e. McDonald's food-poisoning-inducing-Filet-O-Fishes). How quickly I forget the days of zero free time and no energy to do anything. So this is a good reminder that I shouldn't complain too much right now. Maybe I'll even go back and read my blogs from that time period, like when I wrote an "Ode to Snow" and stuff.

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