Friday, December 12, 2003

Weekday Recap

Monday: I watched the Average Joe Schmoe Millionaire Show Finale. I have to say, I was more than a little surprised when she picked the "hot" guy Jason over the "average" guy Adam (yes I know their names and yes I watched the whole season). I mean, even if she doesn't like Adam that much and isn't attracted to him, Jason had about zero personality. Here is her chance to prove to the country, on behalf of all women, that they mean it when they say "looks don't matter", and she blew it. As if a beautiful girl like her couldn't get any random cookie cutter baby faced guy ("Joe Pretty Boy", if you will) after the show anyways? Anyways, the difference between guys and girls is, most guys are at least honest about where they're shallow. No, the #1 thing we look for is not a girl's "sense of humor" or "emotional sensitivity". Oh and by the way, another difference is we also don't care how much money the girl makes.

Tuesday: Watched the Illini take a 6 point lead into the half against Providence. So far, so good. Drove to Dave's, stopped for gas along the way, and by the time I get there, they're down 15. SWEET. Guess we can't handle this crazy thing they call "zone defense". Oh well.... hopefully by the end of the season our young sophomores will have matured into the solid ballers I know they can be. Later that night, I got to know Greg and Rich quite well when we played for an hour or two as the final 3 in hold'em. We went back and forth for so long that at the end, everyone left, and even Dave said good night and went to bed. Also, we determined that "two-pair" is not as strong as it seems.

Wednesday: Everything was going fine until about 11 am, I was just harmlessly sitting at my desk here at work, when I got attacked by a huge wave of coldness. Literally, all of a sudden I just started shaking and shivering out of control, and it was so bad that I just had to log off my computer and go home. Where I proceeded to wrap myself in my blanket and fall asleep for 2 hours. At which point I woke up with this massive headache. Then I fell asleep for another 4 hours and woke up with the headache still there. Then I watched TV for a while and fell asleep until the next morning. When I woke up, the headache was mostly gone and I went back to work feeling almost normal. Weird, I still don't know what it was. The flu usually lasts more than a day, and it wasn't food poisoning cause I wasn't throwing up or anything. Maybe it was detox effects from my recreational heroin use. Just kidding, I don't do drugs. So yeah, I really have no idea what my 1-day headache/shivering thing was all about.

Thursday: Worked till about 7 to catch up on the time I missed the day before. I know with all the people who work crappy hours that read my blog, I shouldn't complain about this, but I'm still gonna say, it sucks. Especially when you're still kind of recovering from being crazy sick and scrambling the whole time to catch up on stuff. I haven't worked any overtime for a while now, and I forgot how much it sucks when it's so dead quiet at night, all the lights in the hallway are off, and the parking lot is empty by the time you leave. Although, I usually do get a lot more work done when everyone else is gone for some reason.

Also watched some TV at night. HBO was showing this Bill Maher standup comedy thing. As expected, it was mostly political, and his views are mostly too liberal and cynical for my taste, but he can still be a funny guy at times. My favorite part was when he was talking about how girls dress so slutty these days: "You know who I really feel sorry for? Whores. Because when you're a whore, what can you really wear anymore, so that people know you're a whore? It's like 'No see, I'm actually a prostitute... I'm charging for this ass'" hahahaha

A less positive TV experience was the Ozzy Christmas special on MTV. I never was huge into the Osbournes stuff, but some of it was funny at times, and for the special yesterday, I caught the tail end of the intro when Britney Spears was in Ozzy's dream so I stopped on the channel. Then it started listing the guests of who was gonna be on the special, and Britney Spears was listed, so I decided to watch the whole hour so I could see her. About 58 minutes later, I realized that the only Britney Spears part was the intro, of which I only saw like the last 3 seconds of. What made me madder is that the rest of the show was really crappy. At least half of the stuff they show of Ozzy being stupid is so obviously staged, and no, I'm not talking about the skits. At some point it's like, OK, we get it, the dad has a completely fried brain, the kids are spoiled, and they are all proficient users in the various forms of the F-word. Now get off the TV and stop wasting my time.

Friday: I'm in love.... Actually, I have no plans for the evening. Call me if you wanna do anything.


One more thing I wanted to talk about, all we are hearing during the baseball offseason is Red Sox this, Yankees that. I hate both teams and I'm so sick of everything being centered around Boston and New York. Great, so you guys have money to throw around. I hope both teams choke horribly in 2004 and get owned by a small market team and/or the White Sox. Oh, and I'm also happy we signed Mark Buerhle. Now can we please get a good leadoff hitter or something? Cause that's what I think teams really need in order to win, more so than Gary Sheffield or Vlads or Pudge or whoever else is getting all the attention.

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