The past week marked the passing of the Chinese New Year, and also my so-called "golden birthday". I don't know exactly how the lunar calendar works, but it seems like Chinese New Year was especially early this time. I'm pretty sure that it usually comes after my birthday, since I was born in the year of the Goat, not Monkey like most other people my year. Oh well.
So anyways, now I'm 24. I've been saying this for a while now, but I feel old. The other night I was stopped at a light on Dundee, when a Mustang pulled up next to me and started revving his engine hard. I looked over and it was this high school or college kid (I can't even tell anymore) with his girlfriend, both giving me the "let's go biatch" look. If this were me a few years ago, I definitely would've raced these kids. But this time, I didn't even have the slightest urge to go for it, so I shook my head no like an old middle aged loser.
Another example of feeling old: Last week, I ended up working pretty late almost every night. By the time I left work on Thursday, I was feeling pretty worn out and on the drive home that night, I just wanted to listen to some relaxing music to soothe my nerves. So I tuned my radio station to the Lite 93.9 WLIT, only to find that they were playing all this upbeat stuff like Peter Frampton's "Baby I Love Your Way". I was kind of pissed about that at the time, but yeah, you know you're getting old when you think the music on the Lite is too heavy.
Also, I was thinking about how the worst birthday present to get as a kid was clothes. I hated getting clothes back then, since that meant it was taking the place of something better such as video games, action figures, or baseball cards. Well, this year, I was actually very happy to get some clothes for my birthday. I guess that's another sign that I'm not 10 years old anymore.
By the way, I definitely want to thank everyone who got me any gift, card, bought me a drink, or simply said "happy birthday". Many of you even did more than one of the above, and for that, you get double or triple thanks from me (I bet you all are going "SWEET" right now). I also felt especially honored to have a birthday haiku done for me, by my favorite haikuist.
Went to Duffy's on Saturday night, and before I forget, Happy Birthdays should go to Chras and Nicki too. It was a good time, I'll probably post some pics when I get home tonight.
One last note, I saw Along Came Polly and thought it really sucked. You know how sometimes you see previews for a movie and think, man, they probably showed all the funny parts already, so why bother watching it? Well, I didn't expect that would be the case for Along Came Polly, but it turns out that the previews pretty much did show what few entertaining scenes there were of the movie. It just wasn't a very funny movie at all and I would discourage anyone out there from seeing it. It even made me think about dropping Jennifer Aniston out of my Top 10 rankings, but I won't.
Duffy's 1/24/04
Me and Olivia
Me and P
Me and Cindy
Me and Coxy
Me and Caddy
Me and the Boys
Me and Vira
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