Yesterday I registered to vote. The form for registering had some weird sections. There was a part where it said "If you have no street address, below describe your home: list the name of subdivision; cross streets; roads; landmarks; mileage and/or neighbors' names" and had a little North/South/East/West cross hair underneath. I guess maybe that's for homeless people who want to vote?
Then there was the bottom where you were supposed to sign your name, but a space saying "If you cannot sign your name, ask the person who helped you fill in this form to print their name, address, and telephone number."
I'm not trying to be insensitive or anything, but it's kind of funny to me when I picture this homeless guy describing where he lives in this form. "I'm in this cardboard box under the tree, 1.8 miles south of Hwy-14 and IL-12. Look out for the furry gray cat who hangs around here at night". Also I'm thinking to myself, if you can't fill out this simple form and sign your name, maybe you're not gonna have what it takes to punch a ballot to vote either?
Anyways, for those who want to register to vote in the state of Illinois, or just want to see the form I'm talking about, go here.
While I'm on the topic of voting, yesterday I caught some of this show on MTV that was supposed to be a promotion of getting people to vote. It's a good cause, but when MTV does these political things it seems to always have a very liberal slant. Maybe part of it is the Republicans' own fault for not taking it seriously, I don't know. But I think the last time MTV "Rocked the Vote", it ended up not being so much of getting people to vote, as it was of getting people to vote for Bill Clinton. In my opinion, that was not really something for the better of this country, but I guess that's another long story for another day.
As far as what was in the show itself, they had this military guy who just got back from Iraq go interview the major Democratic candidates. My impression of the ones I saw:
Gen. Wesley Clark - Seems like a good guy and respectable. If I were to vote for any of the Democratic candidates, it would probably be him.
Gov. Howard Dean - Acted pretty friendly, but you can tell that he's a prick. I can't stand that guy.
Sen. Joe Lieberman - Probably the most stereotypical politician you can imagine. You ask him a question, and he finds a way to avoid it or criticize Bush.
I missed the later part of the show when they interviewed John Kerry, but that's ok because I have a joke:
John Kerry walks into a bar. The bartender goes: "hey John, why the long face?"
Har har. The joke also works with Celine Dion, by the way.
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