Laguna Beach, Season 2 Finale
Well, looks like this Monday will be the finale of Laguna Beach, Season 2. This season hasn't been as "good" as the first, but still entertaining. As a tribute to the enjoyment that watching the last 2 seasons of LB have brought me, I have decided to write some notes about each of the main characters:
He went from the guy who was dating Kristin, hooking up with LC on the side, and who had a model at some fashion show tell him he was "super gorgeous", to this unbearable loser who couldn't get either girl in the end. After season 1 you would've thought he would be scoring with chicks left and right in college, but that does not appear to be the case. Instead, the world seems to have passed him by and now he's just a whiny loser. So sad.
No other character cracked me up as much as Jason. This guy did it all. Making out with Jessica in front of his LC and her entire family and all her friends while they were supposedly dating, goofing around on the basketball court with his buddies when Alex was trying to talk to him, and best of all, the following scene:
[Before their date, deciding how to get to the restaurant]
Jessica: So, should we drive together or drive separate?
Jason: Drive separate
Jessica: (rolls eyes)
Supposedly she was in the first season, as Dieter's girlfriend, but I don't remember her. Anyways, most of the drama of this season seemed to surround her. At first, I didn't like her at all. Then, I kind of felt sorry for her. After that, she got annoying again. At one point, I actually started to think she was kind of cute (not just physically). Finally, I realized she was dumb as rocks and that was that.
By far my favorite character. Wouldn't wanna date her or anything, but she's definitely the most attractive one on the show, and with the most interesting personality (notice I said "interesting", not "great"). I think my favorite thing about her is how she talks. I wish I could talk like that or at least had a friend who talks like her. It takes ditzy to a whole new level. Very very entertaining to watch.
I know others will argue me here, but I always thought her face looked funny. That aside, I think she was the most well-developed character in the show up until a few weeks ago. Her high point in my opinion was probably the final scene of Season 1 when Steven picked her up from the airport. But I still think her little "fling" with Jason of the past few episodes was set up by MTV producers just to manufacture ratings. They probably just thought it was their chance to showcase their acting abilities. Not good enough if you ask me. And it ruined the show for me.
*Alex H*
Thank goodness for someone normal like Alex H. In a weird way, she was possibly the one person I identified with. In the midst of all the drama, and emotional ups and downs of her friends, she was a constant. Never one to stir up controversy, and generally a voice of reason who was usually very likable. She never was the center of attention and was content with that role, but there's something to be said for someone like that. I like people like her, maybe because they remind me of myself. Alex H was also was very underrated in the looks department, maybe due to her unassuming personality. She'd probably be the one I could most see myself dating.
*Alex M*
Perhaps the polar opposite of the other Alex. By the way, is it just a Cali thing, or did everyone decide to name their daughters Alex 18 years ago? I always thought Alex was a guy's name, but there was at least one other mention of a girl named Alex in this show, which makes at least 3 in the same high school class. Anyways, this Alex was about as unattractive as you get, both physically and personality wise. I honestly don't see how anybody would ever think she's good looking (sorry Chras), especially considering what a psycho she is. If I lived in Laguna I would steer clear of that girl at all costs.
Last year when I first saw this kid, I thought he looked like a runt and couldn't figure out why girls liked him. This year, I still don't see it. But hey, I don't want to hate on him too much cause he's got a somewhat likable personality at least. The only other thing I have to say about Talan is that they should show more of his mom.
Many of you out there who don't watch the show, if you didn't stop reading this entry already, probably wonder why I waste my time watching a "reality" series about high school kids.
Don't underestimate the power of Laguna Beach. Not only did they resurrect an old Journey song months before White Sox fans adopted it as their anthem this October, but they added words like "Done-zo" to our vocabulary, and introduced such awesome jokes as "What comes before Part B? Part-Ay... tee-hee-hee".
But it goes deeper than that. There are valuable lessons to be learned from watching this show. For example, now I realize that I had it all wrong back when I went to high school. Instead of being a nerdy Asian kid on Math Team, I definitely should've been a slutty white girl. Some very poor decision making on my part. My life would be so much more interesting and glamourous right now if only I had been dumb as rocks too.
Like tonight, when a bunch of the "cast" will be at Crobar for some KISS-FM event. When I was 18, I had never even been near a club, but right now people are actually buying tickets to go see them as if they were celebrities! Or a few days ago, when Paris Hilton crashed her car into a parked vehicle and among her passengers, of all people, was Talan. You don't see Paris hanging out with many engineering students, do you?
Well obviously it's too late for me now, but see, these are the kinds of things that our nation's youth need to know early on in their development. That "whatever happens in Cabo, stays in Cabo". That they should "hate the player, not the game". That graduating high school is overrated, as long as you look like you're 25 and act like a jackass to every girl you hook up with. What better role models for America's teenagers to have, than a bunch of rich kids who are never shown going to school and always seem to be partying in some lavish setting?
My only regret is that this will most likely be the last season of LB that I end up watching. They have announced Season 3, but supposedly there will be no connection between next year's characters with Seasons 1 and 2. More importantly I feel that the integrity of the show has been breached, as I alluded to earlier, with the sham hookup of LC with Jason. In the grand scheme of things I plan to pretend that storyline never happened and get on with my life.
Don't stop.... belieeeeeeevin'....
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