Looks like it's been several months since my last update to this blog. Not sure if anyone still checks this page, but some of you out there may be wondering what happened to me?
Don't worry, you're not alone - I've been wondering the same thing.
The truth is, there's a lot that's been going on in my life during the past year, and it would probably take way more than one blog entry to cover it all. I'm not sure that I'm ready to talk about everything at this point, anyways. But I did feel the pull to write a little something here right now, for whatever reason.
I started this blog way back in 2002, and I guess in the 5 years that's passed since then, I've kind of lost track of the reasons why I decided to put the time effort into this thing to begin with. Part of it was to stay in touch with friends, to give people a little window into what's going on in my world. I also tried to use it as kind of a creative outlet for myself, to talk about random stuff outside of work and hopefully keep my writing skills sharp in the process. The last thing I wanted was to become another stiff enginerd with no sense of humor, no social skills, no clue on what's going on in the world outside of op-amps and transistors.
But I think mainly, I saw this blog as an informal record of my life after college, a way to store up some memories about who I was and how my life was developing throughout my 20's. Kind of like being able to look back at a photo album and re-live parts of your life, I'd hoped to be able to look back at my blog and recall what it was like to be "me" at different stages of my life.
Which is why it's kind of ironic (and sad) that I haven't written at all in since last year. Out of all the years of my life, I think the past 12 months of my life have been the most challenging and filled with changes. Yet, I have not really written much about it so far. The thing is, I can feel myself growing a lot as a person, and a lot of things about my life have been changing. But it definitely has not come without a lot of growing pains to go with it. I've been telling people that I feel like I've aged 10 years in only a matter of months, and that's honestly what it feels like for me.
I know it is annoying that I'm basically writing only in general terms, but as I mentioned earlier, I don't know if I'm ready to talk much in detail about everything of the past year or so. I'm still trying to sort out a lot of feelings on my own and hopefully in time, I'll feel comfortable being more open again to share my life and thoughts on this blog.
Anyways, for those that care and still read this blog, yes I am still here. I can't promise I'll be back to writing regularly like before, but I will try to post more again soon.
For now, here's a picture I took today at the Asian supermarket:
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