I know I find myself saying this a lot lately, but time flies. I really can't believe we're already a week into November already. October flew by, and for that matter, so did September. Thankfully the weather has stayed reasonably warm lately, but it looks like that is about to end soon.
Life has been extremely busy all around. But, as I was telling a friend the other day, it's overall a good kind of busy.
Work is getting more challenging than ever. There has been a lot more responsibility on my part, both in terms of project assignments, but with my involvement in the leadership committee for our site's Asian employee network. Besides the normal engineering stuff, there's also more higher-level work to take on, which is giving me a new perspective on a lot of how this industry works.
I am even taking on the role of party planner right now, to coordinate this "Ice Cream Social" event coming up. It has given me a MUCH greater appreciation for anyone who plans events, like weddings and stuff. Lots of work and little things to stay on top of.
Speaking of weddings, apparently I need to start planning a bachelor party soon. Most likely it will be a cruise of some sort. Anyone with suggestions or advice from your own experience on cruises?
Outside of work, it seems like it has been one thing after another. Went on a couple mini-weekend trips, which were definitely interesting. Maybe I will write more about them later.
On Halloween, I had a family of trick-or-treaters come by my house, and as I was giving them candy, the mother pointed to her son and asked me, "do you know what he's dressed up as?". So I look at him, and all I see is some little kid in a jacket and a backpack. I have absolutely no freaking clue what his costume is supposed to be.
I smile and politely say no, what is he supposed to be? She laughs and excitedly goes, "he's Diego!!"
I give her the blankest stare in the history of blank stares. Never heard of this Diego feller.
"You know, Diego from Dora the Explorer?"
Actually, I have heard of Dora the Explorer, so that's a start. But believe it or not, I have not watched very many episodes of Dora the Explorer in my life (the number is somewhere between zero and zero). Thus, it is quite unlikely that I would know of, let alone recognize any secondary characters from the show.
Alright, so maybe there wasn't much point to that story. I guess I just felt like sharing.
In other news, I ended up getting Britney's new CD, "Blackout". As many of you know, I pretty much stopped being a big Britney fan around the time she hooked up with K-Fed. From there, it predictably went downhill and now she's a freakshow.
But I guess old habits die hard, and some things never change. All these news reports were coming out about how her album was getting good reviews (I like how it was such big news that her album didn't completely suck), and I liked her single on the radio, so I figured why not give it a whirl? Under $10 on sale at Target, to complete my collection of Britney albums.
It turns out, I do like this album, so I'll consider it money well spent. I wouldn't say it's great, and I'm kind of surprised that so-called "critics" would give it good reviews, but it's definitely better than her last album.
In reality, it's a CD with 12 of the same song, except with different titles and lyrics. Or at least they all have pretty much the same beat and synthesized instrumentals on each track. But at least the beat is a good one and the music is catchy. My favorite song is "Break the Ice". It's hot.
To end on another musical note (har har), I'm excited that the Lite has started playing their Christmas rotation again. Loves it. Reminds me that I'm gonna have to put up the good old Christmas tree soon.
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