Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Get A Life

Anybody see the news last week? For the Victoria's Secret fashion show, PETA protesters ran on the stage with big signs that said stuff like "Gisele Fur Scum" before these security guys ran on and tackled them off the stage. It was hilarious.

If you didn't know, PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. These people devote their entire lives to saving animals from "unethical" treatment. Which I'm all for, cause animals are cool, but I can't believe how extreme this organization is.

For example, a couple months ago they harrassed the Milwaukee Brewers because during their games, their "Sausage Race" didn't include a vegetarian sausage. A year ago, they put up ads of Rudy Giuliani with a milk mustache saying "Got Prostate Cancer?" suggesting that his cancer was due to drinking milk. (They eventually had to apologize after he threatened to sue, but that should give you an idea of what kind of things they do).

If you visit their site,, it is one of the most well done, organized, and complete sites that I have ever seen. They also get some pretty famous celebrities to support their cause by appearing in ads or leading public campaigns.

Now, like I said, animals are great and I love them. I would never like to see unnecessary killing of any animals and I do agree that fur coats and things like that are probably too much. But, seeing how much effort PETA pours into their cause makes me wonder how much real good they could accomplish if they just channeled their energy to a more worthy cause.

Sure, they might succeed in convincing some people not to buy leather products, eat meat, or use cosmetic brands which employ animal testing, but how much does that contribute to this world? How does this improve society?

There are entire countries dying of starvation in this world. There are children being beaten and abused by their parents in this country, and fetuses being aborted every day by selfish and careless teenagers. Why not try to help some of them instead?

It's sad to me that a great deal of these same PETA members could care less about something like abortion in which human life is killed. I think there is a certain degree of hypocrisy to that, where people say to themselves, "If I don't see it, it's ok."

I really doubt that these people care about the fact that animals are dying, as much as they care about appeasing their own conscience when they see "cute" animals being killed. Why aren't there animal rights groups protesting mousetraps? And does every member of PETA care about the senseless killing of mosquitoes and spiders that occurs daily in everyone's homes? No, I doubt it, because there is a sort of double standard here. If you see a cute little guinea pig dying so that people can conduct research, or a pig that looks like the one from "Babe" being slaughtered so we can have bacon and pork chops, then it's wrong.

I, for one, love bacon and pork chops. To me, there's nothing wrong with killing a pig if it is for a good purpose - so that I can eat. Maybe that's insensitive, but that's how life goes, that's nature. Eat, or be eaten. Just cause a cow doesn't seem like she enjoys being milked don't mean that we shouldn't drink milk. Nobody's gonna tell me otherwise. If that cow was smart enough to rule this earth, you think it would have mercy on us? Yeah right...

The real problem here is that certain people have nothing to do, so they end up spending their lives doing stupid stuff like that. If these guys had bills to pay, kids to feed, a 9-5 job to contend with, we wouldn't see them planning silly protests at some Victoria's Secret fashion show. To these people, I say, PLEASE GET A LIFE.