Thursday, December 26, 2002

Day After Christmas

Merry Day After Christmas everybody! Well, hope everyone had a good Christmas at least. Does everyone like my Christmas colors? Well I know of one person who said it was "way overboard" but I am leaving it up until New Years anyways.

My Christmas was good. First, I woke up and looked out the window to find everything covered in snow, a so-called "White Christmas" if you will. Then, my grandparents came over and there was some holiday mah-johng played. After they hustled me out of all the money in my wallet, they left. My grandma is a punk, she pretends to be going blind but she always wins anyways. (Ok, maybe she is actually going blind and not just pretending, but still...)

For dinner me and my sis went over to Olivia's house for some holiday hwo-gwo. Good stuff. We tried to stop by Bakers Square to pick up a pie to bring, but it was closed. Then we stopped by Jewel and it was closed. The only thing open that I saw was gas stations and Chinese restaurants. I wonder why there were still so many cars on the street if everything was closed. Where is everyone headed? They couldn't all be going to gas stations, Chinese restaurants, and Olivia's house, could they?

Notable gifts:
From my sister - Optical mouse. This was a clutch gift. If you have been a reader of my blog for more than a few months, you might remember on an old list of "things to do" that I wanted to buy one of these. Guess writing it down didn't work, but thankfully I have a thoughtful sis. I haven't tried it in crafting yet, but when I find the time, I will unleash my optical fury on the unsuspecting fools in

From my mom/dad - Digital camera. This was also a clutch gift. I don't know much about the world of digital cameras yet but I had been thinking of getting one. Maybe this will lead to a more visual blog as I get to post some pics on this page more often.

From Olivia - Millenium Falcon. AWWWW sheeezy. Yes, an old school Millenium Falcon. It's not "mint condition" or anything but who cares, I'm gonna be playing with it all the time anyways. Girls are amazing when it comes to getting gift ideas. I think I mentioned in passing like a long time ago that I would probably wanna look for old Star Wars toys someday. And from that, she went out and "did it eBay" and now I have myself a Millenium Falcon.

"Fast ... ship? You've never heard ... of the ... Millenium Falcon? It's the ship ... that made the kessel run ... in less than ... 12 parsecs. She's ... fast enough ... for you ... old man ..."

Now all I need is to go get me some action figures. Maybe some of you guys can go out and get some X-Wings or Star Destroyers and I'll let you come over and play with me in the basement. hahahaha

One bit of bad news, this morning I woke up at 9:30 again and I couldn't fall asleep. Oh well. I ended up cleaning all the crap off my desk, vacuuming my room and my car and doing laundry so at least I accomplished something.

Something I miss from the pre-working days is watching late night TV. I didn't realize until last night that I hadn't watched Conan in about half a year, when I used to watch him almost every day. That show is quality, one of the best on TV, period. I used to watch MTV After Hours all the time too, but I don't think they have that anymore. And of course, all the reruns of Sportscenter and Baseball Tonight.

Ok, I need to format my computer. If you don't see me on AIM or post any blogs for a long time, it might mean that I severely porked up my computer. Lets hope that doesn't happen.