Monday, March 24, 2003

Monday Thoughts

I'm taking a training class for work this week, which among other things means no OT for me. Today I got off at about 4 o'clock which was a very very nice change of pace. It's a sweet feeling to be home at around 5, look at the clock and think that normally I'd still be working. Even better is the warm weather to go along with the shorter work hours.

Being in the training class reminds me of school. That feeling of sitting in lecture, trying not to doze off, checking the clock every 30 seconds, mind wandering off to thoughts of Starcraft and fantasy baseball. Ahhh... the simple joys of life. Even better that I don't have to worry about taking a final exam for this stuff.


The weekend in review:

Friday - Watched "Dreamcatchers". It pretty much sucked, all of us left the theater with stunned looks on our faces at how disappointing the movie was. I think Greg's was the worst, it was very close to the fabled "stomach-punch" look. We really should've just left after the AniMatrix preview, which was pretty cool. I didn't understand the story, but the effects were pretty impressive. Plus there was a cute Asian girl in it. Animated, but still good.

Saturday - Worked, then watched the Illini lose a miserable game. As far as I'm concerned, the 2003 NCAA tournament is over and the baseball season can't start soon enough. Better luck next year, for Dee and the boys.

Afternoon, tried to take a nap but only slept for about 30 mins before my sister and Olivia came home and started blasting their Josh Groban CD. Then we went to Popeye's for dinner (Popeye's Chicken is the SHIZNIT), and then we watched "A View From The Top".

If you haven't heard of it, Gwyneth Paltrow plays a small town girl aspiring to be an awesome flight attendant. From the commercials, it looked like it was gonna be one of those mindless comedies that I love, but actually a lot of it was romantic stuff. Still had some funny parts, though. Especially this "fight scene" where a loaf of bread is used creatively. If any of you are interested, check this, pick the first one ("Catfight"), and about 1 minute into the clip is what I'm talking about. About 10 minutes after the scene happened, I look to my left and my sister was still laughing hysterically. Funny, but maybe not that funny.

Sunday - WASHED MY CAR... It looks so purty now. The only bad thing about washing your car is that you notice all the little swirl marks, light scratches, and chips in the paint from flying rocks on the highway. But I don't care, finally the layer of salt is gone. I swear, when my car is shiny and waxed, it runs much faster and I am much happier.


I didn't watch much of the Oscars, but I did catch Michael Moore's speech. I wonder what his goal was, I'm sure a short 30 second outburst in accepting an Academy Award isn't going to change anyone's opinion. If you were pro-Bush before, you are probably still pro-Bush, despite his convincing and persuasive arguments. If I was anti-war though, I would be at least a little embarrassed by how unprofessional my comrade carried himself. By the way, it's been 3 years - can we get over the election thing already?

Even with that incident, I still have respect for Moore; after all, "Roger and Me" was and will always be a great piece, and I do want to catch "Bowling For Columbine" eventually. People who have been reading my blog lately probably think I'm some extreme conservative, but I am not. I think Republicans and Democrats both suck, and I have both conservative and liberal views on different issues. Maybe in future blogs I will share more.

As for Adrien Brody, I won't criticize him, except I must say his use of "Cut it out, guys, seriously" worked pretty well, surprising considering that he was onstage at the Oscars, not on the playground in 3rd grade. I was impressed.