Friday, November 21, 2003

Feel the Rush

A list of some of the most exciting rushes in my life, past and present:

- Executing a successful Psi Storm on Marines/Medics/Firebats in Starcraft. I love the sound of all those humans dying at once.

- "Flopping a set" in Hold'em.

- Any time one of my fantasy players scores a TD

- Hearing the new intake roar for the first time when I floored it in my Maxima

- Having an 8oz. Filet Mignon plus King Crab Legs dinner at Bob Chinn's when I'm really hungry

- Being at a great live performance of one of your favorite songs (my personal examples include Red Hot Chili Peppers "Under the Bridge", Britney Spears "You Drive Me Crazy", 311 "Down", and more)

- Loading Piya's blog and seeing a new Choose Your Own Adventure or Stork article

- Making a solid tackle (As some friends know, this was not limited to the football field. But that was in the past, so don't worry anymore)

- Getting an awesome "alone" hand in Euchre

- Nailing a good break in 9-ball (or to a lesser extent, 8-ball), I love hearing that sound and watching the balls go flying

- Jumping off a cliff (into water)

- Pulling off all the shifts perfectly and setting a new time record in Daytona USA Arcade, Advanced or Expert tracks

- Finding an awesome parking spot in the city with time still on the meter (I know Chras feels me on this one)

- Walking out of an ECE exam feeling like I completely owned it (this has not happened very often)

- Last day of school or work before a long vacation

- Arriving at the terminal in O'Hare after a long vacation. Home Sweet Home...

- Finding a really cute BCBG dress on sale (just kidding)

- Entering a classified lab or room here at work

- Washing my hands using my sister's Bath & Body Works Exfoliating soap for the first time

- Ordering stuff online and getting it in the mail

- Climbing trees (haven't done this since I was about 10 years old... anyone wanna go to the Arboretum sometime?)

There's more, but that's all I will list for now.