Thursday, October 28, 2004


Being the boring person that I am, I do not plan on dressing up for Halloween this year. But that doesn't mean I don't encourage all of you out there to dress up for Halloween, which I do. Now that we are too old to trick-or-treat for candy, seeing all the different ideas people come up with for Halloween costumes these days is definitely the best part about the holiday for me.

For me, the last time I remember having a "real" costume was in about 4th grade when I was a Ninja Turtle (Donatello). Basically it was just a purple eyemask with a turtle nose, a t-shirt with a picture of the shell on the back, and a plastic Bo (which was light green for some reason). Other than that, the other two costumes I remember having were:

1. Walter Payton - Probably the most complete costume, with jersey, shoulder pads, pants, helmet and everything.

2. Karate Kid - I think because my mom and dad didn't feel like buying a costume, so they just made me wear my uniform from judo class instead.

Another memorable Halloween costume was my sister's, one year when she decided to be a "boy". I think I might have written about this before, but basically she was just using it as an excuse to wear my Air Jordan shoes and Little League Baseball hat, which she thought was the coolest things ever but I never let her touch them. We definitely got a lot of confused looks when we went trick-or-treating that year, nobody knew what the heck she was supposed to be dressed up as.

Someone (I think Vira) was telling me once about her bad Halloween experience as a kid, when the kids that didn't have a costume at school had to make their own costume out of a paper bag. Haha... I thought that was hilarious. "Hmmm, looks like your parents didn't dress you up for Halloween. Here, take this paper bag and make one yourself, so you don't look out of place with the other kids!"

There were a few good Halloween moments in college too. One year we were hanging out at Brothers, and then these guys came in dressed as Teletubbies. All the girls in the bar were fighting to dance with them and stuff. As Mr. Chan would say, "HO-larious".

This year, I have heard a few ideas on costumes so far, which I am interested to see. Among them:

- Kobe Bryant
- Johnny Damon
- The little Asian kid from The Grudge
- Slutty Bee
- Slutty Flower
- Jessica Simpson
- Keymaster from the Matrix
- Krang (from TMNT)
- Greg "Fossilman" Raymer

Hopefully I'll get to see some of those this weekend...