Wednesday, March 26, 2003


Got off work at about 3, home by 4. YAY

Picked up the Linkin Park CD. Watched a little of the DVD "Making of Meteora". So far, not impressed with the CD but it could grow on me.

Worked out.

Got a 1-topping large pizza at the 'Hut. Ate by myself at home. Finished about half.

Played craft. Sucked mostly. Need more reps.

Forgot to buy roast beef, couldn't make lunch. Guess I'll have to buy my lunch tomorrow.


Baseball in 4 days.


Currently playing on my Winamp: Linkin Park - Session
There's these noises in this song that are exactly like the ones my speakers make when my computer freezes or has too much stuff running in addititon to music. It causes mad confusion.