Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Japan Loves Dudo509

A couple weeks ago I wrote a blog on how my name was so generic that I didn't have to worry about getting "googled". Well, it turns out that if you go to the Japanese Yahoo! search and type in "Joe Chen", my first blog is the first result that returns. Pretty wild isn't it? Try it if you'd like:

Yahoo! Japan - type in "Joe Chen" and click Search

In regular Yahoo (U.S), I'm only the 3rd result. Not as impressive, but still way higher than I would have guessed. Looks like Google still does not recognize me within its first couple pages, which I consider a good thing.

Anyways, I guess that's one thing I have in common with Uncle Jesse from Full House. Underappreciated in his home country, but a superstar in the Land of the Rising Sun.

For loyal American readers of this blog, don't worry. I won't sell out to my Japanese demographic and turn this page into a bunch of weird obstacle course game shows, or hidden camera shows where they rig Port-o-Potties with hydraulics.

If you're curious to what I'm talking about though, here are a couple links (c/o Brian and Grace):