Tuesday, November 11, 2003


- FINALLY, my fantasy football team got a win against Dave Chan. Even though I was up by 18 with Ahman and Bubba going in MNF against no one on his team, I wanted to wait until it was official before celebrating. I have to admit, I was a tiny bit scared when Ahman kept coughing the ball up in the 1st quarter last night, but good thing my whole team stepped up this week. Not even Steve Bartman could mess this one up.

- My sister has informed me that my screen name on her buddy list has a weird icon next to it when she signs on using AOL.com. She sent me a screenshot to show me, and it looks like this little puddle with a drop of water falling in it. Neither of us have seen that icon before, and we can't figure out what it's supposed to mean. Anyone out there with any ideas about what it is, why it only shows up next to my name and only my name, and why it never showed up until now?

- I helped Olivia move into a new condo over the weekend, and something about seeing her empty place and setting up all her stuff really made me want to buy my own house sometime soon. I think I will write more about this in the near future, my thoughts on eventually becoming a homeowner.

- The show "Average Joe" on NBC intrigues me. So far I have watched the first 2 episodes, and I don't know how to feel about it. The guys are all such tools, which makes for lots of funny situations, but then it gets a little uncomfortable at times too, cause you have to kind of feel sorry for them at some point. Then the girl, I feel bad for her too, but then I don't, because she is full of that "beauty is from within" and "looks don't matter" crap that all girls like to say but very few truly believe. I guess now is her chance to finally prove that she means what she says. Well, even though the show isn't that great, I think I will continue watching as long as it doesn't get canceled, at least to the point where they introduce the "new twist" that will supposedly change the entire game.

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