Friday, April 23, 2004

Voices In My Head

"YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHH!!!" - Lil' Jon (or Dave Chappelle as Lil' Jon)

"Are you a pothead, Focker?" - Robert DeNiro

"I see you look me up and down... I know you want my bod-ay" - Beyonce

"Even my boogers are spicy" - Ralph Wiggum

"To play your messages, press 1" - T-Mobile Voicemail Lady

"So when Rigby got his samples back from the laboratory, he made a startling discovery! What he believed to be igneous, was in fact, sedimentary!" - Ross Gellar (in fake British accent)

"Oh no, Mike Wallace, RUN!!" - Chris Rock

"Do it... doooo it" - D. Ciszek

"GAAAAAS he gone" - Hawk Harrelson

"Too much for you!" - Scotty Nguyen

"My salsa makes all the pretty girls want to dance and take off their underpants, my salsa.... my salsa" - Eminem

"EEEE-mails, send in your emails, EEEE-mails, we read your emails..." - Mancow jingle

"Screw you guys, I'm going home!" - Cartman

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