Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Labor Day Weekend

Had a good weekend. Always a good weekend when you get an extra day. And it's nice that this work week is starting out one day shorter.

Went to the Sox game on Saturday, saw Ichiro go 5-5, rob Carlos Lee of extra bases with a leaping catch, and make some pretty throws. Man I wish he was on our team, I might just have to buy season tickets if we signed him.

Happy Birthday to Will and his cousin.

"My goodies... my goodies.... my goodies
not my goodies!

I bet you want the goodies
Bet you thought about it
Got you all hot and bothered
Maybe cuz I talk about it
Lookin for the goodies
Keep on lookin cuz they stay in the jar

ohhohhh ohhhohhh ohhhhohhh" - Ciara

I have no idea what she is talking about in this song. Maybe she's got a jar of really good Skittles or something. Such a catchy tune though.

About an hour ago I accidentally stabbed myself in the finger with a meat knife trying to pry open some frozen burger patties. It hurt. Lots of blood. Now my finger is wrapped in lots of gauze and I am finding it difficult to type.

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